The pension provision for artists consists of the national pension, guarantee pension, earnings-related pension and national artist pension.
Pension insurance is compulsory and gainful employment must be insured in order to accrue a pension. The applicable earnings-related pensions act depends, among other things, on whether the artist works in an employment relationship, as a self-employed person or as a grant recipient.
There are two main types of pension insurance; pension insurance provided by employers to their employees and pension insurance paid by the self-employed entrepreneurs themselves. In addition, pension can be accrued from grants for artistic or scientific work.
For an artist, this means that their pension can be accrued from different types of work and sources, all of which eventually add up to one’s pension. If the earnings-related pension is small or non-existent, Kela can provide a national pension and a guarantee pension.
In addition to compulsory statutory pension provision, it is also possible to take out voluntary pension insurance.
Earnings-related pension
An artist will accumulate earnings-related pensions for work done in an employment relationship, any self-employment pension paid by the artist and, as of 2009, in principle, any working grant lasting for more than four months. The grant receiver’s pensions insurance is applied for from the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution Mela.
The artist may be covered by the Employees Pensions Act (TyEL, työntekijän eläkelaki), the Self-Employed Persons' Pensions Act (YEL, yrittäjän eläkelaki) and, in the case of grants, the Farmers' Pensions Act (MYEL, Maatalousyrittäjän eläkelaki). The earnings-related pension is therefore accrued from TYEL, MYEL and YEL.
For more information on pension insurance for entrepreneurs and grants, visit our website:
Pension insurance scheme for entrepreneurs (YEL)
MYEL pension insurance for grants
Supplementary artist pension
Artists may apply for the supplementary artist pension separately. The national supplementary artist pension can be granted to artists who are currently living or have permanently lived in Finland as recognition of an outstanding contribution to art. To apply for the supplementary artist pension, contact the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), which grants the pension. The Arts Promotion Centre Finland processes pension applications once a year.
For more information on the supplementary artist pension, visit the website of the Finnish Artists' Association here and Taike’s website here.
Pensions paid by Kela
Pensions provide income security during old age, disability, or unemployment for older people. Pensions are paid not only by pension providers but also by Kela.
Kela pays a national pension, which can be a disability pension or an old-age pension. Kela can also pay a guarantee pension. You may apply for Kela pensions if your other pensions and benefits do not exceed the income limit for a national pension or guarantee pension, or if you have not accrued any earnings-related pension at all.
There is also a surviving spouse's pension.
National pension
In 2023, those living alone are entitled to a national pension of EUR 732.67 pcm if they have not accrued any earnings-related pension. If a person has a spouse, the national pension is reduced; if a person is married or cohabiting, the national pension is EUR 654.13 pcm. For those nearing retirement, low-income wage earners and entrepreneurs, the amount of national pension is gradually reduced relative to the earnings-related pension. If the person is entitled to an earnings-related pension and the amount of the earnings-related pension is more than EUR 1 355.30 pcm (if cohabiting, in 2023) or EUR 1 512.38 pcm (if living alone, in 2023), the person will no longer be entitled to a national pension. Instead, he or she will only receive an earnings-related pension.
Guarantee pension
The purpose of a guarantee pension is to grant a person living in Finland a guaranteed minimum pension, the full amount of which is EUR 922,42 pcm (in 2023). To qualify for a guaranteed pension, all pensions before tax may not exceed EUR 914.97 pcm.
You are entitled to a full guarantee pension if you do not have other pensions. The amount of the guarantee pension is reduced by any other pensions paid from Finland or abroad. The amounts of these pensions are reduced in full from the full amount of the guarantee pension.