The Artists’ Association of Finland is an advocate and expert association representing over 3000 professional artists in Finland. We promote the status and working conditions of visual artists and strengthen the role of visual arts in society.

The ultimate objective of the Artists’ Association of Finland is to enforce and promote the status of visual arts, the working conditions of visual artists and the importance of the arts in society. To this end, we work actively to influence cultural policy decision-making and promote the advocacy of visual arts, as well as offering services, help and support to professional visual artists.
We provide up-to-date information about the industry to decision-makers, the media and art audiences. We develop the practices and structures in the field of visual arts together with other art industry organisations. The Association has a representative on the decision-making bodies of over 20 foundations, associations and organisations. Our member associations consist of six nationwide artists’ associations.
Suomen Taiteilijaseuran strategia 2022–2026
Suomen Taiteilijaseuran strategia vuosille 2022–2026 korostaa vaikuttamisen ja edunvalvonnan roolia Taiteilijaseuran toiminnassa. Toiminnan painopisteitä ovat myös viestintä, sidosryhmätyö sekä kuvataiteen asiantuntijapalvelut.
Taide ja taiteilijoiden työ rakentavat parempaa yhteiskuntaa jokaiselle. Siksi haluamme, että taiteilijoilla on riittävä toimeentulo ja mahdollisuudet harjoittaa ammattiaan kaikkialla Suomessa. Korkeatasoinen taide on demokratian ja hyvinvoinnin alusta, joka tuottaa sosiaalista, taloudellista ja henkistä arvoa sekä hyvää elämää.
The board of the Artists’ Association of Finland consists of representatives of the member associations. All board members are professional artists.
The chair of the board is Teemu Mäki, artist and Doctor of Fine Arts.
Members of the board 2025:
Siiri Haarla / Finnish Painters' Union
Anna Niskanen / The Association of Photographic Artists
Iina Heiskanen / The Association of Finnish Print Makers
Ville Mäkikoskela / The Association of Finnish Sculptors
Minka Heino / Artists' Association Muu
Jenni Turunen / Union of Finnish Art Associations
The representatives of the Artists’ Association of Finland meet twice a year. The member associations are represented at meetings by artist members who are chosen annually. Matters discussed in the meetings include the action plan and budget drawn up, the board as well as the annual report and financial statements. The representatives also decide on membership fees, how remuneration is paid to persons in elected positions, approval of financial statements and discharge. The representatives also select the chair and members of the board.
The Artists’ Association of Finland has six member associations, which are nationwide artists’ associations.
Artists’ Association MUU
Muu ry is a national interdisciplinary art organisation that represents and promotes experimental modern arts (new media, video, light and sound arts) in Finland. MUU Ry was founded in 1987 and has approximately 650 members. MUU Ry is based in the Cable Factory in Helsinki, where it has facilities for events and exhibitions.
The Association of Finnish Sculptors
The Association of Finnish Sculptors is the national organisation for Finnish professional sculptors. Founded in 1910, the association promotes and exhibits Finnish sculpture and dimensional arts. The association has 450 members. As an expert in the discipline, the association offers guidance and information on questions relating to sculpture and represents the professional, economic and social interests of sculptors. The association has its own gallery, Galleria Sculptor, in Helsinki. The gallery also has a shop selling small sculptures made by members of the association.
The Union of Finnish Art Associations
Founded in 1938, The Union of Finnish Art Associations is the umbrella organisation for art associations in Finland with 52 member associations. The union advocates strengthening the position of its regional member associations and acts as the bridge between member associations. The association promotes equality across regions, the status of visual arts and the livelihoods of artists across the country. The association has its own gallery, SEINÄ, along with its offices in Helsinki.
The Association of Finnish Printmakers
Founded in 1931, The Association of Finnish Printmakers is a national association with a mission to promote awareness of print making and drawing as an art form. The association is actively involved in communications and exhibitions. The association’s exhibition activities, print sales and guidance services are intended for both members and non-members. The association has 370 members, and its exhibition facilities, Galleria G, and sales collection, Grafoteekki, are located in Helsinki.
Finnish Painters' Union
Founded in 1929, The Finnish Painters’ Union is the national association for painters in Finland. The association promotes visual arts and advocates for the improvement of painters’ professional and social benefits. The association has 1400 members, who are entitled to a wide range of services. The association has its office, art supply shop and the tm•galleria in Helsinki, and it holds an annual artwork sales event and other exhibitions.
The Association of Photographic Artists
Founded in 1988, the Association of Photographic Artists is a national interest group that works to promote the social status and appreciation of Finnish photographic art and artists in Finland. The association has over 450 members, including individuals and photographic art collectives. The Association of Photographic Artists has its own gallery, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, in Helsinki. In addition to exhibitions, the association offers guidance and information services for its members and produces events, exhibitions and projects promoting photographic arts.
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