Nuoret 2023 (Young Artists) in an exhibition of today’s young contemporary artists, which will be held from 22 April to 4 June 2023. Artists for the exhibition will be chosen via an open call, that start at 1st of March 2022 and ends on Monday 21st of March 2022 at 5 pm. The project, led by the Artists’ Association of Finland, involves a diverse group of visual art exhibition and expert organisations.
Nuoret 2023 (Young Artists) in an exhibition of today’s young contemporary artists, which will be held from 22 April to 4 June 2023. The exhibition will be seen in seven different exhibition spaces including Kunsthalle Helsinki, Galleria G, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Gallery Scultor, tm•gallery and HAM Corner.
Nuoret 2023 (Young Artists) will challenge and reform established production and exhibition practices in the field of visual arts. The project will contribute to a future world in which visual arts will be valued by society, visual artists can earn a decent living with their work and wider audiences will enjoy visual arts.
INFO: Apply for the exhibition
Artists can apply for the Nuoret 2023 (Young Artists) exhibition between 1 and 21 March 2022. The process is open for artists and groups of artists who are either Finnish or who live and work in Finland. Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the end of the exhibition on 4 June 2023 (i.e. born on or after 5 June 1988). We invite applicants of all genders and linguistic, cultural and other minorities.
The deadline for the submissions is Monday, 21 March 2022 at 5 pm EET (GMT +2 hours).
Young Artists 2023 challenges and renews established production and exhibition practices in the visual arts. The project creates the possible world of the future, where the appreciation of the visual arts will grow in society, the visual artist will cope with his work wider audiences will enjoy the visual arts.
A total of 30 artists and groups of artists will be selected for the exhibition, of whom approx. eight artists will be employed, on the basis of their work plans, for the duration of their productions (1-3 months) by the Artists’Association of Finland. The works of employed artists are realized as commissioned works with a separate production support. Employed artists are paid also a monthly salary. The amount of the salary for the employed artists is 2,800 € / month and the total production budget is approx. 15,000 € /artist or artist group, including salary costs. Approx. 22 artists or groups of artists will be selected on the basis of their proposals. All artists will be paid an exhibition fee and exhibition remuneration.
One of the aims of the project is to strengthen the working life skills of young visual artists. A part of the artists accepted into the exhibition have the opportunity to collaborate with the Praxis curator students of the Academy of Fine Arts. Professor responsible for the Praxis master's program Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger and the chair of the jury Emma Ainala are responsible for forming the artist-curator partnerships. Collaboration with a curator is voluntary for the artist.
The works for the exhibition will be selected by a jury chaired by visual artist Emma Ainala, accompanied by its members: photographer Heli Rekula, student Jade Kallio from Academy of Fine Arts at Uniarts Helsinki and Eeva Holkeri, Head of Exhibitions at Kunsthalle Helsinki.
The jury of the exhibition has the opportunity to request additional information and additions to the application material from the artists who have applied for the exhibition after the end of the application period.
Artists who submit their proposals for the exhibition will be notified of the selections. The list of artists selected for the exhibition will be published on the Artists’ Association’s website in May 2022.
The project, led by the Artists’ Association of Finland, involves a diverse group of visual art exhibition and expert organisations: The Artists’ Association of Finland and its member associations MUU, the Association of Finnish Sculptors, the Association of Finnish Printmakers, the Finnish Painters’ Union, the Association of Photographic Artists and the Union of Finnish Art Associations as well as Kunsthalle Helsinki, the Helsinki Art Museum HAM, Frame Contemporary Art Finland and the Praxis Master’s Programme in Exhibition Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts.
The exhibition is supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Gerda and Salomo Wuorio Foundation and Pro Av Saarikko Oy. The Maecenas Guild’s young artist prize is awarded in conjunction with the exhibition.
Further information:
producer Sofia Suomalainen, Artists’ Association of Finland, sofia.suomalainen@artists.fi, tel. +358 50 3222 118
You can find further information and the application form from the exhibition's website: nuoret2023.fi/English. Please also take a look on Frequently Asked Questions.